
Saturday 27 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Red Rashes

Red Rashes

I am Jennifer from
Sibu, Malaysia. Before I took Rain Soul, my neck used to have red rashes and very itchy.

My period is only 3 days per cycle, once every 2 months. After I took 1 box of Rain Soul, I became more
energetic. The redness and itchiness at my neck disappeared. When my period came, I was surprised myself, there's a big clog of blood.

This time my period is not just 3 days but 5 days. After my mum took Rain Soul, her blood sugar lowered and she doesn't need to take medicine anymore. Now my whole family is taking Rain Soul.

Thank you "Rain Soul" for giving me and my family a healthy life.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Backache

Back Ache
I am Vivian from Sibu, Malaysia. Before taking Rain Soul, I encounter back ache every 2-3 days. Every morning when I woke up, my feet felt numb, I had constipation as my body is heaty. My skin is dry and I suffer from indigestion. I am unable to sleep well at night therefore I am always tired. I will catch the flu often. Every month I'll have to spend Rm100-Rm150 just to visit doctor. Even the doctor shakes his head when he saw me. 1 week before my period came, I felt no strength at all and will have back ache. When my period came, I'll feel tired, had headache and stomach-ache. I also felt tired every time after my exercise. I'd tried other products before but I felt heaty after taking those products. After taking Rain Soul for 2 months, I now have more stamina and am more energetic. My back ache and all the above mentioned problems greatly improve. Now, I sleep well at night. My skin is fairer and it's not dry. My constipation is gone. I also don't feel tired before or after my period. There's no more numbness at my leg. Now after exercising I still feel energetic.

Thank you "Rain Soul" for helping me solve my health problems!

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 13 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Bone Spur

Bone Spurs

Ms. Mimi
Ang, from Penang, Malaysia. Suffered from slipped disc since April, 2008. She stated:
I have done MRI of the cervical spine and is found as below :- Generalized disc bulges are seen at C4/5, C5/6 and C6/7. A left
paracentral disc extrusion is seen C5/6, The cord is compressed at C5/6.

Due to slipped disc at cervical spine area C5/6 and it caused me almost
paralysation during the critical days and even a sneezed caused me admitted hospital due to the cord compressed and nerve inflammation. I was spending more than RM30k for admission, check up, physiotheraphy and chiropractic, but the treament was forever and never ending. And this continuously for 5 years.

Thank God i met
Erane Yeap as she introduced me RAIN SOUL. After 2 weeks, i saw 50% improvement and i felt it was amazing and awesome. And now i am still taking it as daily supplement and monitoring my situation. Indeed, after 2 months, i feel great and healthy.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 7 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Skin Improvement

She is an lady who had a lot of skin problems and she also had a black mark left from her skin laser.

After consuming 2 sachets per day and applying it on the face her skin started to get better.

After 2 months you could see her improvement on her skin and her black mark laser started fading away.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 24 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Skin Improvement

A 5 years old kid with very serious skin disease.

Everyday he consumer Rain Soul 4 sachet per day.

After 2 months his skin has improved by 90%.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 16 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Stroke

18th May 2012 suffer stroke and started consuming soul in Dec 2012.

Consume daily 6 - 8 sachets of Rain SOul.

After 4 months able to walk

In 10 months become Diamond Elite. Earning RM 15, 000. His birthday wish on 25th February 2014 is EVERYBODY TO GET WELL AND GET RICH.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 10 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Psoriasis

Skin Psoriasis for over 20 years.

- consumed 2 packs a day and healed after 6 months later.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 3 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

This person was suffering for years over her hands which get itchy and blisters all over. She had tried all kinds of creams and seen many doctors. Just 2 - 3 packets of SOUL a day for 2 weeks, she is completely healed. Now, she just takes 1 packets a day for her overall health and is still feeling good.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

After consuming Rain Soul, 3 sachets per day for 38 days, all 3 arteries cleared. No need for surgery.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 20 July 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

Danny Wong, aged 64 years old had amazing overall health improvement. His diabetes condition improved and no longer on long term medication. Besides that, his cysts at feets and buttock disappeared, legs conditions imrpoved and can walk better. Danny also stops coughing and significantly improved in his Asthmatic condition.

Amazing Rain Soul!

"I'm so happy to have come across such a wonder nutritional products that has significantly improved my overall health conditions."

Saturday 12 July 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Weight Loss

This is Derick from Penang. He managed to lose weight by consuming Soul.

2 sachets per day and exercise daily.

As a result, he had lost 35kg in 4 months.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 6 July 2014

Rain Soul Testimony

This is a testimony of a girl. She is from Penang, Malaysia. She had 15 years of disability, now she able to walk properly with only after a week consuming Rain Soul!

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 28 June 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Eczema

This is a testimonial for skin problems.

2 months after consuming Rain Soul have gradually improved.

Currently, taking 4 packets/sachets per day.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 21 June 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Eczema

Abraham been suffering Eczema for 7 years. All the specialist have consulted but could not help.

After taking Rain Soul for 3 months, he had recovered!

Thank you, Rain Soul!

Saturday 14 June 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

Ralph Zabriskie, 65, from US now lives in Penang with wife Cecillia. Before taking Rain Soul I had sore shoulders, a sore left knee (from an operation several years before) and for the last 15 years had to use a prescription nose spray to clear my sinuses each morning. Since taking 2 packets of Soul daily for the last 5 months I no longer have sore shoulders, do not need my nose spray, can play 1 1/2 hours of tennis pain free, have more energy, sleep better and my body has gone through detoxification.

Cecillia also takes 1-2 packs per day and sleeps better, has more energy and her sinuses don't bother her any longer.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Cancer

Yosemarine's mom from Medan believed in Rain Soul as her cancer sufferring "gone". She had Chemo more than 21 times but today consumed 3 sachets per day becomes well!

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 31 May 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Blurry Vision

Sarah is Naturally blind since birth. Now 18yrs.
But after taking Soul for 2 years ..... Result .... She can see shadows, blurry vision.
No more falls or knocking herself..

Sarah (purple shirt) with family. 

Rain Soul brings Amazing Results!

Sunday 25 May 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

"My name is Rene Hoover. I have been a flight attendant for almost 20 years and on one of my overnights I slipped in the bathtub and separated 2 ribs from my sternum. That was on Labor Day of 2012. I was out of work for 6 months and have been on continued therapy even though I had gone back to work.

I was dealing with pain on a daily basis and doctors told me that the pain could be there for 2 to 5 years before I might feel relief. I started taking SOUL at the end of July and just last week the doctor released me and said that the recovery process had been much faster than he had expected.

After 45 days on the SOUL product I am now completely pain free. Thank you Rain Intl. for such a great product. Not only am I pain free, but I have much more energy than I have had in many years. " - Renee Hoover, OR

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 18 May 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

"For those of you that know me, you know I do not normally brag about some product; But I have to tell you about something that my SIL has introduced us to that actually works. I am blown away. Lloyd has severe arthritis in his knees, hands and shoulders. He has only taken this a few days and he is without pain and moving much more easily. It is a natural remedy and is working.

I am AMAZED to say the least.

It is called Rain-Soul and is really something. It is made from cold press processing of cumin seed, Chardonnay grape seeds and Black Raspberry seeds. It isn't cheap ($65 for a 30 day supply) and only comes in liquid form. But considering what prescriptions cost and the possible side effects, it is well worth it to be pain free and no side effects.

You drink one 2.0 oz. pouch a day. I’m so impressed by Lloyd’s results that I’m going to try it. I’ll let you know how it is working.” -Sue & Lloyd Ickes Montana

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

"Hello, my name is Gayle Collings. I’m fairly new to RAIN. I started drinking Soul just under two weeks ago. I have been a hairdresser for over 35 years. For the past couple of years my nails have been experiencing a fungus that has caused them to become pitted, discolored and painful.

The day after drinking my first Soul I noticed my nails looked pinker.

It is now almost two weeks later and my nails are almost completely free of fungus, the color is back and the pain is gone. I also noticed something a few days ago. My ankles have been discolored, blood pooling and stagnating causing them to look black and blue. Three days ago I thought they looked considerably better, then in the last two days the discolor has almost completely disappeared, they look healthier than they have for many years.

I can’t wait to see what happens after I have been consuming Soul for a longer period of time. Thank you RAIN!" -Gayle
Collings South Bay, California

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 20 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Strength

" My husband injured his playing football in HS. Had surgery to repair the torn ACL. Fast forward 30 years. Age, jobs that required a lot of squatting, climbing in and out of trucks and heavy lifting (he was a diesel mechanic and then dump truck driver).

I heard on a constant basis, "my damn knee is about to fall off". He just learned to deal with the pain, stiffness, inflammation, etc.

In the meantime, I join Rain International in October and pick him to be on of my "voluntary" testers along with myself, my mom and his parents.

Without going on and on with the results and sounding like some hyped-up crazy infomercial you see at 3am, that after only 3 days, he had ZERO pain in his knee. Zip, nada, none!

He also had torn his rotator cuff while pitching in a softball game and then again several years later when he slipped on ice trying to help someone that got stuck in our yard. Decided to not have surgery, and again being the tough guy, just learned to live with it.

However, as a result of the injury, he wasn't able to raise his arms above his head.

Same story, 3-4 days later, he is able to raise both arms above his head and swing them around with full range of motion.

Needless to say, we are believers. "
Lafonda R.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improved!

"For 25 years I have suffered from headaches and neck pain due to old football injuries. I realize there is more to what causes the pain, like stress, poor diet, and too many soda drinks. But even when I would decrease the soda pop, try to decrease my stress, and eat better, I still was missing something. That is where the science comes in for me, and how giving the body the essential nutrients will allow it to perform in the miraculous way it is intended.

When my friend gave me some packets of Soul, I tried two the first day. Then two more packets the next morning. For the first time in 25 years I did not need two Extra Strength Acetaminophen tablets to minimize the pain.

My body was throwing off cortisol like a great running back does defenders, and was leaving nothing left to fight the pain. The potency of combining three seeds was what I needed. At first I didn’t understand the science, I just knew that I didn’t need pills to fix my ailments.

My immune system was becoming amplified with the combination of  black cumin seed, black raspberry seed, chardonnay grape seed and D-ribose. 

Hazelgren, Phoenix, AZ

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 12 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Pregnancy

Ahava Lelia:

"I become pregnant with my little girl and suffered from severe preeclampsia. At the very end of my pregnancy the inflammation become so severe I had hard, uncomfortable lumps all on my stomahc.

This has not gone away since my pregnancy, two years ago now.

Robert Bonan introduced me to this product, and after just a week of trying it, my stomach had become soft and completely back to normal!

This product is truly amazing and I cannot wait to see the other benefits I will reap from using it. I'd recommend this to anyone!"

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 6 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improved!

"After 3 days and upping myself to 2 packs... I am just amazed. I had some type of chronic neck pain that I could not get rid of. I had been prescribed muscle relaxers.

I was taking over the counter anti inflammatories. Nothing worked. It even started affecting my sleep. I was totally miserable. I was getting pressure from my health care provider to get an xray which (I'm a nurse, so I know the process), could only lead to a neurosurgeon referral if there's something wrong.

Rain stopped the pain! Completely!

I cannot begin to explain the relief I have from almost being in tears everyday! It has also corrected a bowel issue I had, stomach problems, headaches. It has even helped my depression and stopped my insomnia.

I can tell it is working on my diabetes and high blood pressure too!~

-Tammi H.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Rain Soul Testimony - Strength

Another Amazing Soul Testimonial:

"Last month [I made it] all the way up on top of Prompton Dam!

I would NEVER have made this discovery had it not been for SOUL!

The Army Corp of engineers have done an incredible job here.

What is FUNNY is Ace had a hard time keeping with ME, LOL"

- Morgen H.

Amazing Rain Soul

Saturday 22 March 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Weight Loss

"1 1/2 weeks ago, I began a new life style change. Instead of snacking between meals, I use the Soul. I am down 10 pounds already. I have cur my insulin in half and I feel great!"

Marilyn H., NC

JOIN Today! 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Weight Loss

Here is another testimony of Weight Loss consuming Rain Soul!Before this she had shoulder pain, after consuming for 100 days, now she is full of energy and lose weight as well.

Indeed! Blessing from the goodness in consuming Rain Soul!

Try it now!

Start today.

For more info, please check out our website at:

Saturday 15 March 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Eczema

Mr William at the age 45 years old had Eczema started on 6 Feb 2011 with only 1 small patch on his body. On 11 March 2011, the Eczema started very actively spreading thru all over body and very itchy. 3 doctors and specialist have reviewed and diagnosed it as eczema. Mr. William have received 3 injections and applied 8 tubes of cream but with no effect. On 13 March 2011, Mr. William started to consume Rain Soul 4 sachets per day, 5 days later, on 17 March 2011, he woke up in the morning skin dry up and itchiness have subsided.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Join today!

Monday 10 March 2014

Saturday 8 March 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Weight Loss

Skin Problem, Hormon Imbalance, Water Retention, After taking Rain Soul Slim down, skin become firmer, smoother and brighter, full of energy. 

Amazing Rain Soul!

Friday 28 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Facial Problem

Dramatically skin improvement after consuming Rain Soul as testified above picture.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Nose Cancer

Amy Ting from Perak - Teluk Intan has Nose Cancer since July 2012. I go for chemotherapy 9 times and radiotherapy 33 times. All my hair drop after the first chemotherapy. Everyday I had to do radiotherapy except for saturday and sunday. I lost my saliva and every week my weight drop. After radiotherapy my weight is 33kg. I had no appetite at all and felt painful when eating. Last year November 13, I started to consume Rain Soul. November 25 I go back for check up and my doctor said to continue consuming Rain Soul. After 1 month, my saliva come back. My hair started to grow back. One day I fall down at home and hurt my chin, I also used Rain Soul to rub on my wound and Rain Soul had also cured my wound. I am really thankful that my sister introduced and encouraged me to drink Rain Soul.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Monday 24 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Bladder Stone

She suffer for stomach pain all the time, stone in her bladder. She have a difficult time to pass urine. This eventually leads to pain, most commonly felt in the flank, lower abdomen. After taking 40 packets of Rain Soul. Kidney stones typically leave the body by passage in the urine stream, and many small crystal stone.

Amazing Soul!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - High Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure

I am Mr. Lim, 44 years old, from Kedah, I had been suffering from high blood sugar, high blood pressure, swollen feet, anasarca, whole body itchiness, no appetite, asthma, unclear eye sights and kidney problem for 1 year plus already. Doctor had even told me that I needed to undergo renal dialysis. When friend introduced me to Rain Soul, I took 3 sachets per day (morning, noon and night). On the 2 day, I found that I had some positive reaction and my bowel movements were very smooth. After 1 week, Doctor found that my kidney disease index had fallen from 900++ to 800, toxin index had fallen from 45 to 40! Seeing my great improvement, my friend encouraged me to take 5 sachets ( 2 morning, 1 noon, 2 night). During my 2nd week, there is a bump on my head with fluid oozing out, I used Rain Soul to spread on it, My anasarca had decreased and my skin felt smoother. After 1 month, my eye sights are brighter and clearer than before, my anasarca had disappeared, my swollen feet, blood pressure, blood sugar and skin problems had all improved. The most happy result is that Doctor told me that I don't have to undergo renal dialysis.

Friday 21 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimonial - Breast Cancer

Mdm Chew suffered from Breast Cancer for 10 years. She believed in high Antioxidants juices to fight for her Cancer Cells in her body. After taking Rain Soul since December 2012, she found she is more active and very release from body pain. She strongly recommend to cancer patient to take Rain Soul daily. She took Rain Soul December only 3 sachets per day. Now, she taking 6 sachets per day on empty stomach and at night 2 sachets before going to sleep. She is so active in sharing with a lot of people who has cancer too.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Leukemia

Rain Soul has help this man when he undergo his therapy in the process of healing from Leukemia.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Retina Damage

She lost her left eye sight for 6 months. She have gone through 2 eye surgery and it was not successful. After taking 5 sachets of Rain Soul, the blood clog has been cleared off and now she can see clearly!

Amazing Rain Soul!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Tumor Reduced

A person with a tumor of 7 cm suffering major discomfort, after taking Rain Soul for 2 months, the tumor reduced in size substantially and the tissues also soften!

Monday 17 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition in which the skin becomes itchy, reddened, cracked and dry.

After 60 days of consuming Rain Soul, the skin goes back to normal.