
Sunday 20 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Strength

" My husband injured his playing football in HS. Had surgery to repair the torn ACL. Fast forward 30 years. Age, jobs that required a lot of squatting, climbing in and out of trucks and heavy lifting (he was a diesel mechanic and then dump truck driver).

I heard on a constant basis, "my damn knee is about to fall off". He just learned to deal with the pain, stiffness, inflammation, etc.

In the meantime, I join Rain International in October and pick him to be on of my "voluntary" testers along with myself, my mom and his parents.

Without going on and on with the results and sounding like some hyped-up crazy infomercial you see at 3am, that after only 3 days, he had ZERO pain in his knee. Zip, nada, none!

He also had torn his rotator cuff while pitching in a softball game and then again several years later when he slipped on ice trying to help someone that got stuck in our yard. Decided to not have surgery, and again being the tough guy, just learned to live with it.

However, as a result of the injury, he wasn't able to raise his arms above his head.

Same story, 3-4 days later, he is able to raise both arms above his head and swing them around with full range of motion.

Needless to say, we are believers. "
Lafonda R.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improved!

"For 25 years I have suffered from headaches and neck pain due to old football injuries. I realize there is more to what causes the pain, like stress, poor diet, and too many soda drinks. But even when I would decrease the soda pop, try to decrease my stress, and eat better, I still was missing something. That is where the science comes in for me, and how giving the body the essential nutrients will allow it to perform in the miraculous way it is intended.

When my friend gave me some packets of Soul, I tried two the first day. Then two more packets the next morning. For the first time in 25 years I did not need two Extra Strength Acetaminophen tablets to minimize the pain.

My body was throwing off cortisol like a great running back does defenders, and was leaving nothing left to fight the pain. The potency of combining three seeds was what I needed. At first I didn’t understand the science, I just knew that I didn’t need pills to fix my ailments.

My immune system was becoming amplified with the combination of  black cumin seed, black raspberry seed, chardonnay grape seed and D-ribose. 

Hazelgren, Phoenix, AZ

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 12 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Pregnancy

Ahava Lelia:

"I become pregnant with my little girl and suffered from severe preeclampsia. At the very end of my pregnancy the inflammation become so severe I had hard, uncomfortable lumps all on my stomahc.

This has not gone away since my pregnancy, two years ago now.

Robert Bonan introduced me to this product, and after just a week of trying it, my stomach had become soft and completely back to normal!

This product is truly amazing and I cannot wait to see the other benefits I will reap from using it. I'd recommend this to anyone!"

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 6 April 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improved!

"After 3 days and upping myself to 2 packs... I am just amazed. I had some type of chronic neck pain that I could not get rid of. I had been prescribed muscle relaxers.

I was taking over the counter anti inflammatories. Nothing worked. It even started affecting my sleep. I was totally miserable. I was getting pressure from my health care provider to get an xray which (I'm a nurse, so I know the process), could only lead to a neurosurgeon referral if there's something wrong.

Rain stopped the pain! Completely!

I cannot begin to explain the relief I have from almost being in tears everyday! It has also corrected a bowel issue I had, stomach problems, headaches. It has even helped my depression and stopped my insomnia.

I can tell it is working on my diabetes and high blood pressure too!~

-Tammi H.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Rain Soul Testimony - Strength

Another Amazing Soul Testimonial:

"Last month [I made it] all the way up on top of Prompton Dam!

I would NEVER have made this discovery had it not been for SOUL!

The Army Corp of engineers have done an incredible job here.

What is FUNNY is Ace had a hard time keeping with ME, LOL"

- Morgen H.

Amazing Rain Soul