
Friday 28 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Facial Problem

Dramatically skin improvement after consuming Rain Soul as testified above picture.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Nose Cancer

Amy Ting from Perak - Teluk Intan has Nose Cancer since July 2012. I go for chemotherapy 9 times and radiotherapy 33 times. All my hair drop after the first chemotherapy. Everyday I had to do radiotherapy except for saturday and sunday. I lost my saliva and every week my weight drop. After radiotherapy my weight is 33kg. I had no appetite at all and felt painful when eating. Last year November 13, I started to consume Rain Soul. November 25 I go back for check up and my doctor said to continue consuming Rain Soul. After 1 month, my saliva come back. My hair started to grow back. One day I fall down at home and hurt my chin, I also used Rain Soul to rub on my wound and Rain Soul had also cured my wound. I am really thankful that my sister introduced and encouraged me to drink Rain Soul.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Monday 24 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Bladder Stone

She suffer for stomach pain all the time, stone in her bladder. She have a difficult time to pass urine. This eventually leads to pain, most commonly felt in the flank, lower abdomen. After taking 40 packets of Rain Soul. Kidney stones typically leave the body by passage in the urine stream, and many small crystal stone.

Amazing Soul!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - High Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure

I am Mr. Lim, 44 years old, from Kedah, I had been suffering from high blood sugar, high blood pressure, swollen feet, anasarca, whole body itchiness, no appetite, asthma, unclear eye sights and kidney problem for 1 year plus already. Doctor had even told me that I needed to undergo renal dialysis. When friend introduced me to Rain Soul, I took 3 sachets per day (morning, noon and night). On the 2 day, I found that I had some positive reaction and my bowel movements were very smooth. After 1 week, Doctor found that my kidney disease index had fallen from 900++ to 800, toxin index had fallen from 45 to 40! Seeing my great improvement, my friend encouraged me to take 5 sachets ( 2 morning, 1 noon, 2 night). During my 2nd week, there is a bump on my head with fluid oozing out, I used Rain Soul to spread on it, My anasarca had decreased and my skin felt smoother. After 1 month, my eye sights are brighter and clearer than before, my anasarca had disappeared, my swollen feet, blood pressure, blood sugar and skin problems had all improved. The most happy result is that Doctor told me that I don't have to undergo renal dialysis.

Friday 21 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimonial - Breast Cancer

Mdm Chew suffered from Breast Cancer for 10 years. She believed in high Antioxidants juices to fight for her Cancer Cells in her body. After taking Rain Soul since December 2012, she found she is more active and very release from body pain. She strongly recommend to cancer patient to take Rain Soul daily. She took Rain Soul December only 3 sachets per day. Now, she taking 6 sachets per day on empty stomach and at night 2 sachets before going to sleep. She is so active in sharing with a lot of people who has cancer too.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Leukemia

Rain Soul has help this man when he undergo his therapy in the process of healing from Leukemia.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Retina Damage

She lost her left eye sight for 6 months. She have gone through 2 eye surgery and it was not successful. After taking 5 sachets of Rain Soul, the blood clog has been cleared off and now she can see clearly!

Amazing Rain Soul!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Tumor Reduced

A person with a tumor of 7 cm suffering major discomfort, after taking Rain Soul for 2 months, the tumor reduced in size substantially and the tissues also soften!

Monday 17 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition in which the skin becomes itchy, reddened, cracked and dry.

After 60 days of consuming Rain Soul, the skin goes back to normal.

Rain Soul Testimony - Edema

Edema is swelling cause by excess fluid trapped in the body's tissues.

Ms Yull's Mother from Indonesia suffers Edema.

She has kidney problems because of long-term medication. Thus, leading to the foot Edema and been swelling for many years.

Before she consume Rain Soul, as seen in the picture, her vein been swelling and it is obvious the see the small blood vessels. However, after 3 weeks of consuming Rain Soul, her foot has improved.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Diabetes

A diabetes patient heal after consuming Rain Soul.


If you have diabetes, this could be a solution for you! Starting taking Rain Soul today!

Friday 14 February 2014

Thursday 13 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Skin Improvement

Rain Soul also helps in skin improvement as seen in the above picture.

The result of BEFORE taking Rain Soul and the result of AFTER 30 days taking Rain Soul. Her skin gradually improved.

In the field of nutrition, Rain Soul indeed has help her. Why? This is because is her daily consumption of good intake of nutrition. Rain Soul consists of one of the property ingredient of Chardonnay Grape Seeds that helps in her anti-aging.

More to find out about Chardonnay Grape Seed here.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Blood Purified

The red blood cells are the round bubbles that we see before the consumer consume Rain Soul. Normal red blood cells are round, basically the same size and shape. Their function is to carry oxygen nutrients throughout the body. They are supposed to be separate, not overlapped nor clumped together. The centres of the red blood cells should be clear.

As you see in, the picture before, the red blood cells are overlapped and linked together like a chain. They are clumped together. The cells have irregular shapes (free radicals). This concludes that, the red blood cells are having a harder time accomplishing their mission of nourishing and carrying oxygen throughout the body.

After 30 minutes of consuming rain soul. The red blood cells are separated and going back to its normal behaviour.

Drinking Rain Soul is equivalent to consuming good oils. In our body, it stores all the bad oils due to the food that we have consumed. Therefore, you need to consume Rain Soul daily to have the good oil to washes off the bad oils in our body.

Good oils will keep the Red Blood Cells flowing freely!

Why wait? Starting taking Rain Soul today! Order now.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid & Asthma

Before Consuming Rain Soul:

  • 23 years ago Fibromyalgia
  • 22 years ago Rheumatoid
  • 17 years ago Nerve Damage to left and right leg
  • 13 years ago inserted pain pump + 2nd pump inserted 9 years ago
  • 11 years ago Asthma
  • 6 years ago Back fusion + 2nd back fusion 5 years ago
After Consuming Rain Soul:
  • After 3 months decreased morphine 150 mgs/day
  • After 5 months put wheelchair away. no longer need cane
  • After 6 months, successfully completed 1st physiotherapy in years. Worked at booth at local sidewalk sale (102 degrees with humidity)
Amazing Soul! 

Monday 10 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Weight Loss

Looking for a weight-loss motivation? Rain Soul can help you! Look no further! Check out these amazing testimony and their amazing success stories. Not only they shed some pounds but also gain a better health overall. Choose your own path and you will be one of them too yelling "I did it!"

Start now, order RAIN SOUL!

With two sachets per day with exercise and properly diet plan. You are set to go!

Sunday 9 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Autism Case

From a Lady in Nevada - month 1 on SOUL
Update When we drank the soul... For my daughter the autistic one... she became clear, her eyes were brighter... Then she started to appear more into her environment... I thought ok that's the way it makes you feel, then she started to be different.... she no longer screams repetitively... she would run her fingers through her hair over and over and over and made noise as she did this, and would become louder and louder to the point we could no long hear ourselves think. this action of hers is dwindling down to almost nothing.. and also during her PMS time, she would scream and scream, no eating, no sleeping, no matter how much I did or gave her medications, never worked... so on the SOUL, she never did any of that, NOT ONE SCREAM. It came and passed... we were shocked. Also, I want to say my daughter was throwing her sponge down into the water during her bath... and picking it back up with her toes LOL 3 times!! I love this stuff!!! ... Also, I want to add... I drink my Soul and the left over in the packet, I rub on my face... Lol, yes I do. Let it sock in.... you should see my face amazing.

From a Lady in NEVADA - month 2 on SOUL
You should rub this stuff on your face! I swear I look about early 20s, or at least in my 20s. I just wanted you to know, this is my daughter second month with no screaming :) we are happy for her that she is a happier person now.

month 3 on SOUL
Oh and by the way... my daughter is still not screaming ! for 15 years this kid has screamed... then all of the sudden stops?

Amazing SOUL!

Saturday 8 February 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Diabetes Case

This lady has been suffering from chronic diabetes for 13 years, due to the prolong use of diabetic medication of over 10 years she is now also suffering from rheumatism, arthritis and skin disorders.

She has tried many types of other supplements and including seeing a sorcerer introduced by a friend but was disappointed every time. Then, she started taking 4 packets of Rain Soul per day and immediately saw vast improvements in just a few days, even though she had some healing crisis she says she endured through them as she felt Rain Soul was working and could feel much improvement.

She continued taking 4 packets a day together with a controlled diet and 4 months later (as per her image) she miraculously feels like a normal person again! She still continues to take 4 packets of Rain Soul a day and she is very thankful to Rain Soul for her unbelievable recovery

Friday 7 February 2014


What is Rain Soul?
Rain Soul is the first foremost and world leader in nutritional supplements based entirely on Seed Nutrition. It contains only the most powerful seeds have been carefully selected then naturally enhanced in a unique cold-press process.
Rain Soul combines incredible healing and energy-providing nutrients found within the black cumin seed, black raspberry seed, chardonnay grape seed and D-ribose. With these 3 types of seeds, it proven that Soul has the highest antioxidant capabilities compared to other health products.
With Soul you will have:
  • More Energize
  • Less Pain
  • Amplified Immunity
  • Better Sleep
  • More Effective Weight Loss
  • And Much More
Rain has offices in the following countries:
Canada, Crotia, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.
The latest news was Rain International market is now prelaunch in Philippines, Thailand and Brunei.