
Saturday 27 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Red Rashes

Red Rashes

I am Jennifer from
Sibu, Malaysia. Before I took Rain Soul, my neck used to have red rashes and very itchy.

My period is only 3 days per cycle, once every 2 months. After I took 1 box of Rain Soul, I became more
energetic. The redness and itchiness at my neck disappeared. When my period came, I was surprised myself, there's a big clog of blood.

This time my period is not just 3 days but 5 days. After my mum took Rain Soul, her blood sugar lowered and she doesn't need to take medicine anymore. Now my whole family is taking Rain Soul.

Thank you "Rain Soul" for giving me and my family a healthy life.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Backache

Back Ache
I am Vivian from Sibu, Malaysia. Before taking Rain Soul, I encounter back ache every 2-3 days. Every morning when I woke up, my feet felt numb, I had constipation as my body is heaty. My skin is dry and I suffer from indigestion. I am unable to sleep well at night therefore I am always tired. I will catch the flu often. Every month I'll have to spend Rm100-Rm150 just to visit doctor. Even the doctor shakes his head when he saw me. 1 week before my period came, I felt no strength at all and will have back ache. When my period came, I'll feel tired, had headache and stomach-ache. I also felt tired every time after my exercise. I'd tried other products before but I felt heaty after taking those products. After taking Rain Soul for 2 months, I now have more stamina and am more energetic. My back ache and all the above mentioned problems greatly improve. Now, I sleep well at night. My skin is fairer and it's not dry. My constipation is gone. I also don't feel tired before or after my period. There's no more numbness at my leg. Now after exercising I still feel energetic.

Thank you "Rain Soul" for helping me solve my health problems!

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 13 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Bone Spur

Bone Spurs

Ms. Mimi
Ang, from Penang, Malaysia. Suffered from slipped disc since April, 2008. She stated:
I have done MRI of the cervical spine and is found as below :- Generalized disc bulges are seen at C4/5, C5/6 and C6/7. A left
paracentral disc extrusion is seen C5/6, The cord is compressed at C5/6.

Due to slipped disc at cervical spine area C5/6 and it caused me almost
paralysation during the critical days and even a sneezed caused me admitted hospital due to the cord compressed and nerve inflammation. I was spending more than RM30k for admission, check up, physiotheraphy and chiropractic, but the treament was forever and never ending. And this continuously for 5 years.

Thank God i met
Erane Yeap as she introduced me RAIN SOUL. After 2 weeks, i saw 50% improvement and i felt it was amazing and awesome. And now i am still taking it as daily supplement and monitoring my situation. Indeed, after 2 months, i feel great and healthy.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 7 September 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Skin Improvement

She is an lady who had a lot of skin problems and she also had a black mark left from her skin laser.

After consuming 2 sachets per day and applying it on the face her skin started to get better.

After 2 months you could see her improvement on her skin and her black mark laser started fading away.

Amazing Rain Soul!