
Sunday 24 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Skin Improvement

A 5 years old kid with very serious skin disease.

Everyday he consumer Rain Soul 4 sachet per day.

After 2 months his skin has improved by 90%.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Saturday 16 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Stroke

18th May 2012 suffer stroke and started consuming soul in Dec 2012.

Consume daily 6 - 8 sachets of Rain SOul.

After 4 months able to walk

In 10 months become Diamond Elite. Earning RM 15, 000. His birthday wish on 25th February 2014 is EVERYBODY TO GET WELL AND GET RICH.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 10 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Psoriasis

Skin Psoriasis for over 20 years.

- consumed 2 packs a day and healed after 6 months later.

Amazing Rain Soul!

Sunday 3 August 2014

Rain Soul Testimony - Health Improvement

This person was suffering for years over her hands which get itchy and blisters all over. She had tried all kinds of creams and seen many doctors. Just 2 - 3 packets of SOUL a day for 2 weeks, she is completely healed. Now, she just takes 1 packets a day for her overall health and is still feeling good.